A large percentage of SAP responsible executives are unaware of the number of SAP processes that are actually being used in their business. Additionally they are uninformed of how many existing processes are redundant and to which extent customised business processes are available as standard functionality in the SAP system.

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A known fact of ERP systems is that there is insufficient visibility in terms of system usage and how this relates to best practice, with mostly outdated documentation that often lack the appropriate methodologies such as change- and business process management. Customised SAP systems are often inflexible and lack the appropriate focus for business-driven ERP optimisation.

Costs for maintenance, support and optimisation can skyrocket when your systems are not properly understood and documented, and can cause immense business difficulties. Redocumentation delivers the insights to understand, improve and control your business and reduce complexity in your SAP solution landscape.

The aim of a Redocumentation exercise is to get a full grasp of the current usage of the SAP system. The analysis will also provide the business with valuable information regarding the extent of SAP system support for the realization of business objectives as well as providing information on gaps or shortcomings in terms of functional coverage in the current solution.

The insight and understanding gained by the analysis and prioritisation of enhancement initiatives drives the compilation of an enhancement roadmap resulting in a plan to improve the utilisation of SAP to deliver improved return on the invested capital in SAP.

Many companies approach the need for growth through finding an answer to the question: “What is the best way for me to move forward?” Redocumenting your SAP system can provide you with a better view and understanding for more informed decision making regarding how best to support growth of the business.

SAP Redocumentation will:

  • reduce your maintenance and running costs of your SAP infrastructure,
  • document your as used SAP processes and allow for streamlining and standardization of your processes,
  • minimize time spent on the reviews of your SAP system and
  • provide you the visibility and focus required to generate ROI on invested capital.


