By Michaela Terrenzio  – Campaign & Operations Marketing Manager at Acumatica

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Business innovation and digital transformation take place when organizations invest in the right cloud ERP solution. Acumatica’s free on-demand webinar will address why a cloud-based ERP and an adaptable ERP platform are necessary for today’s SMBs to compete and succeed.

Acumatica’s on-demand webinar, Putting New Technology to Work for Your Business, may be exactly what you need to jumpstart business innovation and growth. How so? I’ll explain, and I’ll also explain how cloud ERP plays a major role.

How SMBs can jumpstart business innovation and growth

Three words: “solid technology foundation.” This is what SMB Group, a market research and consulting firm that focuses on technology adoption and trends in the SMB market, says is the answer to jumpstarting growth and innovation while competing and succeeding against businesses with bigger budgets and better resources.

A solid technology foundation begins with an adaptable ERP platform with Open APIs; it’s the one component that SMBs must invest in if they want to be able to adopt emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and more—technologies their larger counterparts have already started utilizing. Growth in today’s marketplace requires easy integration with new applications, which circles right back to the need for a cloud-based ERP with a flexible ERP platform.

Does finding the right cloud ERP seem easier said than done? Challenges with finding and adopting new technology solutions do exist, including difficulty sorting through your many cloud ERP options, integrating new and old systems, finding funds, and setting clear goals. Yet SMB Group says it can—and should—be done. I, along with SMB Group’s Laurie McCabe (who has over 25 years’ experience in the IT industry) will address these concerns specifically in the 30-minute webinar, as well as cover the importance of adopting and implementing cloud ERP software.

We also discuss:

  • Key trends that are sweeping across the business landscape
  • Why you’ll need to put technology solutions to work to capitalize on them
  • How the right ERP platform and solution can help you transform your business for the future

Transform and grow your business with the right cloud ERP solution

If this sounds like information you need, download the on-demand webinar right now. These thirty minutes can change the way you view digital transformation and its impact on your business’ innovative capabilities. You’ll learn that Acumatica’s cloud ERP solution and flexible, adaptable ERP platform with Open APIs have been built with future technology and applications in mind; emerging technologies are easily incorporated and become a natural extension of the solution itself.

Acumatica customer, Auri Kostama, said this in the smartTrade Technologies case study, “As software developers, we found Acumatica’s technology to be elegant, adaptable, and stable. In the era of cloud computing, you do not want to select technology that is decades old.”

We agree. Go with Acumatica’s  “disruptive” cloud-based ERP solution which covers both current and future technological needs. Our team is available to answer any questions you may have about business innovation using cloud ERP.

Download Acumatica’s Free On-Demand Webinar